Thursday, May 19, 2005

Kid Or Krishna - Which Is It, Cooter?

Ya know wo needs to be pinned down and have their skulls cracked open with a billiards cue while small marsupials nibble on their brain matter? These trashy piles of monkey vomit who cut their 3 and 4 year olds' hair into rat tails.

You know what I'm talking about - those frightening scarring hair fashions where the hair is short all except for a few long strands at the very back that hang down like...well, a rat's ass.

Every now and again I come across some poor, unknowing kid sporting this disgusting hair horror and all I want to do is cut it off, grab the kid's parent in a headlock and force them to eat the fucking hair.

I mean where does it come from? Most of these WalMart greasy fucks don't have rat tails themselves - why impose such a traumatic, unnecessary and ugly lack of style upon their children? Don't these kids have enough problems growing up with parents who are also blood relations?


Blogger Cascadia said...

My mom made me have a rat tail when I was in grade 3. I will never live down the shame. You should start a foundation to help stop this most unfortunate hairstyle.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Nobody said...

I'm not sure when it started but I do remember seeing those as far back at the 80's because I remember the shocked look on a lady's face cutting my hair when I refused to have one.
The Star Wars JEDI's have them...I'm blaming George Lucas

4:31 AM  
Blogger Saucy Monk said...

cascadia - sorry to bring up that dark past you probably put deep into the recesses of your mind. It's the danger of visiting the Monk.

bennet - yer right. that's confirms it. Jedis are fuckin' losers.

5:30 AM  
Blogger sic said...

these are the same people who give their children mullets.


12:43 PM  

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