Thursday, April 28, 2005

Another Critical Analysis of a Fairy Tale

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.


Is this supposed to be a metaphor or something?

'Cause I don't get it.

Monday, April 25, 2005

If You Wanna Make Your Kid Dumber...

Mariah Carey now wants to become a children's author and write books.


She'll now join a growing rank of worthless celebrities that include Madonna, Katie Couric and Inside Edition anchor Deborah Norville who just can't keep themselves from getting their hands out of real jobs. Why aren't these people just happy being famous useless celebrities?

I mean aren't these people making enough money without stealing paycheques from other people who have studied hard and spent years practicing and writing to become published children's authors?

I wouldn't want my child exposed to whatever vacuous, mindless drivel Mariah has to emit on the page anyway. It's bad enough everytime she's near a camera she's shoving her tits into the photographer's face. Why stunt a kid's growth at such an early age by actually making them dumber for having to read Mariah's work.

Besides, to Mariah I say this - just because your reading level is at about grade 3 doesn't mean you can write a book for Grade 3.

Here's a tip: try brushing up on the lyrics to your songs for starters. If you can do that successfully, then maybe we'll give you a haiku to work on.

If you know what that is.

Friday, April 22, 2005

I'll Give You High-Risk, Pal...

Police have begun replacing the term “prostitution” with the term “high-risk lifestyle”.

These politically-minded idiots actually think if they can sterilize the term, they can sterilize the problem. Well, bullshit Eugene – it’s fucking for cash no matter how you get the panties down.

You wanna “high-risk lifestyle”? Check in with the former singer of Stone Temple Pilots standing untethered on the bungee jump platform with a head so full of PCP, he doesn’t even realize some B-list porn star with cold sores is sucking his dick.

Now that’s a high-risk lifestyle for you.

Monday, April 18, 2005

...And This Person Makes How Much Money?

Reasons to abstain from listening to celebrities when they talk:

"If you think it was an accident, applaud." - Geraldo Rivera, talk show host, to his audience on Natalie Wood's drowning

“Fiction writing is great, you can make up almost anything." - Ivana Trump, on finishing her first novel

"I can't really remember the names of the clubs that we went to." - Shaquille O'Neal, basketball player, on whether he had visited the Parthenon during his visit to Greece

"Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something." - Dennis Rodman, Basketball player, on team chemistry being overrated

"I don't want to ever, ever do something in life that isn't fun. Ever." - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Actress, in Cosmopolitan.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Nostalgia #21

Ya know what you don’t see anymore?

A blind guy with sunglasses selling pencils from a coffee mug.

What’s the deal?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Pret-a-Pow! Blam! Wham!

Ya know what amazes me?

These superheroes that design and make their own costumes.

Spider-Man, Catwoman, Iron Man, Batman…

All impeccably dressed in elaborate fashions.

Fuck saving the world from evil doers – these people should be releasing their own clothing lines. I say leave the dangerous, heroic shit to the police, Pedro – you got an eye for flash, Captain Couture!

You’d never catch Karl Lagerfeld trying to stop a bank robbery by a dude with 4 mechanical tentacles fused onto his back.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Latest Retail Opportunities...

This is the big news coming out of Hungary:

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The Hungarian Interior Ministry looks set to allow prostitutes to tout for business in shopping malls, local media reported Tuesday.

Keeping up with the times, here’s a few ideas for Budapest’s new retail opportunity:

The Used Body Shop
Old Navy Sores (for those who don’t have much to spend)
Victoria's Syphillis Secret
Banana Republic for Johns
Crabs & Evelyn
Abercrombie & Bitch
J. Crew’s Dirty Skanky Hoes

And ofcourse, let us not forget…

…The Gap.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Ten Daytime TV Shows That Didn't Quite Make It

Good Morning Scumbag
kd Lang's Cooking with Kale
Hangover Remedies of the Rich & Famous
Live with Regis & Kelly & Kelly's Nymphomaniac Cousin Sheena
The Price Is Rising
Charlie Sheen's Celebrity Twister
4 Ugly Chicks Going On About Something
Jeopardy: Dyslexic Edition
Balls Deep In Mrs Tiwilliger (a PBS afterschool special)
Hey! You Welfare-Sucking Sloth! Maybe Get A Job Today!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Lofty Goals For The Hopeless


I tried to start a support group for apathetics, but no one showed up.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

More Rock Bands I've Just Thought Up

By popular demand, here is a list more name ideas for your shitty, no-good rock band - take one, they're free:

Bolimic Overeater
The Shit Eating Grins
The Lord of Balls
The Donny Osmond All-Boys Drinking Band
Professional Figure Skater/Amateur Closeted Homosexual
Monsignor Shithead
The Dogfuckin’ Workaholics (y’know, for a blues band, maybe)
The Boy, I’d Love To Fuck Her String Quartet
Threesome With A Dog & Cat
Puking Through My Ears
The John Belushi Chambermaid Choir

Monday, April 04, 2005

Serious Inquiries Only

Ya know when you’re bored sometimes and pick up the paper. Maybe you’re flipping though the classifieds, y’know, just kinda browsing the escort listings trying to find your dream date with a 6’5” Asian sadomasochistic septuagenarian with a harelip…and instead you find that sometimes people actually sell cars and musical instruments and things there too.

Anyhow, have you noticed sometimes these people write “serious inquiries only”? What does that mean? Who is this for? Serious inquiries only?! As opposed to what – frivolous inquiries? Jocular inquiries? I mean how serious can an inquiry be?

When I come across one of these moronic requests, I usually call up the dildo:

“Hi there, I saw your ad in the paper – the one about the chocolate lab puppies for sale…”

“Ya….ya…I want to buy one...ya...look, I’m not fucking around here. I want one of your goddamn dogs…even if I got to find out where you live and come over there. Ya, ya, I’m fucking serious!”


They usually hang up at this point. I guess they weren’t actually all that serious about the ‘serious inquiries only’ thing after all.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Putting Paris To Good Use

According to, Paris Hilton has been offered the chance to earn over £27 million-a-year as a high-class prostitute from a psychiatric patient, who claims he's a former pimp known as Pimp Juice.

Finally, there is something Paris can do.

Nothin' to it, put your back into it.